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Evoenergy Home - Evoenergy
Future energy The future of the energy network is changing, and the ACT is leading the way with its net zero targets. We’re planning for the future to ensure Canberrans continue to enjoy safe and reliable energy.
Legal Evoenergy's legal position with regard to our privacy policy, disclaimers, code of conduct, website security, copyright, theft and fraud, as well as an outline of your rights and obligations as an Evoenergy customer are all linked below. Disclai
Network safety If there is a life-threatening emergency, call 000. Electricity emergencies: 13 10 93 | Gas emergencies: 13 19 09 The safety of our people and the community is our priority. We’re committed to a safe and reliable electricity and gas network for you a
Industry Make sure you have the right level of authorisation, approval, and training when working with us.
Your energy As a user of our electricity or gas network, it’s important you understand the key components of your power supply to help you make informed choices.
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Application for miscellaneous electrical works
Private asset compliance form If you have rectified an obstruction or defect in a Network Protection Notice, let us know below. If you have arranged for an obstruction or defect to be rectified, and the appointment is outside of our required timeframes, apply for an extension by
Application for electricity network connection or alteration
Application for electricity supply and meter removal (supply abolishment < 100amps)
How can we improve our service? Storms can cause serious and extensive damage to our overhead low-voltage electricity network. High winds, heavy rain, lightning, and flooding can result in power outages, and from time to time, Canberrans may experience a prolonged power outage that
Basic design application Please note this form was previously referred to as a Request for Service Marking (RSM).
Electricity outage request for vegetation works This form is for Evoenergy-accredited arborists who need to request an electricity outage to perform works safely.
How we detect and fix faults Canberra’s electricity network is reliable; however, outages can still be caused by tree branches, weather, damage by third parties, animals, or equipment failure. To respond quickly to any outages, we have crews on call to locate and repair faults o
Lack of reserve Evoenergy’s electricity network is part of the National Electricity Market (NEM). The NEM has a reserve of electricity which is readily available to meet electricity demand in challenging conditions. A Lack of Reserve (LOR) event occurs when this res
About us Work health, safety, environment and quality Our Work Health Safety Environment and Quality Policy ensures our activities are carefully managed to protect the community, our workers, and the environment. Evoenergy Work Health Safety Environment
Outage SMS We send SMS about planned electricity outages in your area to keep you informed. Planned outage Prior to a planned electricity outage for essential network maintenance, we will send an SMS to the primary account holder (for your electricity retail ac
Hydrogen test facility Evoenergy and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) partnered to build a first-of-its-kind hydrogen test facility at CIT’s Fyshwick campus. The facility opened in December 2018, and since then, we’ve been testing how hydrogen interacts with our
Outage tips Although our crews work hard to keep the electricity and gas on 24/7 – you may experience a power outage. We know it’s inconvenient, and while we work quickly and safely to get the power back on, here are some tips to get you through it. Visit our li
Electrification The ACT Government has announced its plans to electrify Canberra and transition away from the use of natural gas by 2045. As the owner of the electricity and gas network, we are planning to enable a smooth transition of our network, and one that supp
Project Converge Project Converge is an initiative aimed at showcasing new orchestration capabilities for distributed energy resources (DER) known as ‘Shaped Operating Envelopes’ (SOE). Sponsored by ARENA through its Advancing Renewables Program, the $8.4 million pro
Copyright The subject matter on, and accessible from the Evoenergy website is the subject of copyright protection. With the exception of fair dealing permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, Evoenergy grants users of the site permission to download and display Evo
Disclaimer Application Evoenergy has taken reasonable steps to ensure the currency and accuracy of the information on this website at the time of its original release. However, changes in circumstances or the discovery of facts subsequent to its release and pri
Privacy policy Evoenergy (ABN 76 670 568 688) (“we/us/our”) Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to handling your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This is our Privacy Policy and it sets out how we collect, hold, us
Service of documents The information below sets out how legal documents such as a subpoena or notice for non-party production should be served on Evoenergy. Documents requiring personal service should be served on: The Proper Officer Icon Distribution Investments Limited
Ring-fencing We comply with the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) ring-fencing guidelines to operate fairly in contestable markets. Ring-fencing refers to the separation of monopoly services and contestable services where a regulated business also offers servic
Neighbourhood batteries Neighbourhood-scale batteries unlock opportunities to increase energy storage and ease demand on the electricity network. Neighbourhood-scale batteries connect to the electricity network and are an exciting initiative to innovate the way we distribut
Electricity network Our electricity network supplies 200,000 ACT customers and covers over 2,000 square kilometres. See our network coverage map.
Gas network Our ACT and Nowra gas networks supply 146,000 customers and includes 4,911.39km of mains.
Contact us Complaints We aim to offer you quality services when it comes to our networks – however if you do have a complaint relating to electricity or natural gas networks, such as wires, poles, gas pipes, supply outages, entry to land or site restoration or
Our executive team John Knox, Chief Executive Officer John Knox is the Chief Executive Officer of the ActewAGL Joint Venture including Evoenergy. John commenced as Chief Executive Officer in 2018. Prior to this, he was Managing Director of Icon Water (2014-2018) and d
Electric vehicles The ACT is leading the nation on Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) uptake. There are three different types of chargers for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Your charging needs will determine which type of cha
Greenfield estate connections Greenfield estateconnections are typically new land release developments. Greenfield estate connection Process Engage on the Estate Development Plan (EDP) process Email
Incidents and emergencies If there is a life-threatening emergency, call 000. Electricity emergencies: 13 10 93 | Gas emergencies: 13 19 09 Fallen, damaged or low hanging powerlines Fallen, damaged or low hanging powerlines should always be treated as live. Stay at least 10 m
Electrical safety at home and work Electricity is something we often don’t pay attention to when it’s working, however it’s important to know how to stay safe and when to take action. Shocks and tingles If you experience a shock, zap or tingling sensation when touching electrical appl
Working near the network Only authorised people and accredited organisations are allowed to come within safe approach distances to our network infrastructure. Safe work practices related to the electricity network in the ACT are in the Electrical Safety Rules. Befor
Ground electrical assets Ground-level electricity infrastructure you will see around the ACT include substations, mini pillars, meters, utility access holes and power pole bases. Mini pillars are typically grey-green and around 0.5 meters long and 1 meter high. Substations a
Natural gas safety Gas faults and emergencies: 13 19 09 Natural gas is a reliable energy source, however, care still needs to be taken when handling it. Since natural gas has no odour, a strong odour that smells like rotten eggs is added so you can detect it. If you sm
Extreme weather Storms, high winds, floods, and bushfires can damage our network and put you in danger. Prepare for a possible power outage Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for any large outage updates Visit the ACT Emergency Services Agency for emerge
Life support equipment We understand some people rely on a reliable electricity supply to operate life support equipment. If this is you, or someone residing at your premises, you will need to register your equipment with us and make sure you have a plan to manage your equ
Your rights and obligations As an electricity or gas user, it’s important to understand your role, rights and obligations – so you understand what we would like from you and so we can meet your expectations. Customer charters In both the Electricity and Gas Customer Charters, y
Interested parties register for demand management If you have insights on addressing future network constraints, join our Register of Interested Parties by completing the form below. Current and future network constraints can be found on our constraints map:
Lack of reserve Evoenergy’s electricity network is part of the National Electricity Market (NEM). The NEM has a reserve of electricity which is readily available to meet electricity demand in challenging conditions. A Lack of Reserve (LOR) event occurs when this res
Make a claim If you experience loss or damage to your property and believe it was because of an issue with your power supply or Evoenergy’s business activities, you may be eligible for compensation. Eligibility We may provide compensation to assist with recoverin
Claim form Before you get started on this form, please note: The issue and acceptance of this form does not constitute any admission of liability or fault by or on behalf of Evoenergy. You will need to provide evidence of costs that you have incurred.
Claim reconsideration form You can apply to have a claim reconsidered if you are not satisfied with the outcome. An officer who has not been involved in the original outcome will undertake the reconsideration of your claim. This is to ensure a fair and impartial reassessment.
Request meter data You can request your energy generation and consumption data for up to two years. Complete the form below, noting the NMI you enter must match the mobile or landline number associated with your account with your Retailer. We will send you the most rec
Supply reliability We maintain a high standard of reliability in our electricity network. To measure our reliability, we set supply reliability budgets each year. These budgets are averages across all customers and give an indication of the duration and frequency of el
Pricing and tariffs The links below explain the tariffs for our electricity and gas networks, including the prices of using the networks and other associated services.
Electricity network plan Every five years, Evoenergy prepares a detailed plan about how it will operate, maintain, and invest in the electricity network to meet the future needs of the ACT. This electricity five-year plan is submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER)
How to read your meter The type of meter you have will determine how your energy consumption is read. If you ever need to check your own meter reading, use the information below to help. Estimated meter reads If you’ve received an estimated energy bill, your retailer will
Gas network prices and tariffs Gas tariffs describe how and how much you’re charged for using the gas network. The price you pay may be different depending on how much gas you use, or whether you’re a residential or commercial customer. Evoenergy charges gas retailers for using it
Join our crew If we’re not offering your dream job right now, we’d still like to hear from you. Register your interest with us by creating a profile in our talent community and uploading your CV. If a role comes up that matches your profile and skills, we will let
Graduate Program Apply now --> Some of our graduates attending a future-focused forum in Canberra, alongside other energy distributors and industry leaders. Fast-track your engineering future with the Evoenergy’s Graduate Program. Receive industry-specific train
Move to Canberra Join us in the nation’s capital. A vibrant place to live and work, and one of the country's best kept secrets. Canberra offers a rich cultural scene with national institutions like the National Gallery of Australia and the Australian War Memorial. I
Support with your application We’re thrilled you want to work with us and look forward to your application. For the best chance of success, make sure your application gives us an authentic idea of who you are, as well as important background information like your experience, skil
Vacation Program Our Vacation Program offers paid work experience for undergraduates wanting to apply what they’re learning to real world projects. The program runs for 12 weeks over summer, and can include roles in engineering, data analytics, communications, and en
ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang gas network We own and operate the gas network in the ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, Bungendore and Nowra). The information below refers to our ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang gas network. ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang gas net
Join our crew Our Talent Community is your gateway to a career with Evoenergy. If we’re not offering your dream job right now, we’d still like to hear from you. Register your interest by creating a profile and uploading your CV. You will: Be the first to hear
Nowra gas network We own and operate the gas network in the ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, Bungendore and Nowra). The information below refers to our Nowra gas network. Nowra gas network coverage map Nowra gas network pipeline
Report theft Theft or illegal interference with our distribution network is a serious offence and can pose serious harm. If you see or suspect someone trespassing, vandalising or stealing energy network equipment, including copper, please report it to us with the
Building near utility assets Before building or landscaping on your property, check the placement of utility infrastructure on, or near your block. This includes projects such as extensions, pergolas, swimming pools, gardens, retaining walls, or scaffolding. You will also need t
Accredited arborists Only Evoenergy accredited arborists are authorised to work near powerlines. You must use one of the below companies to trim and or remove trees near powerlines. Many of our accredited arborists can trim trees without having to shutdown electricity su
Distributed Energy Resource Portal Our Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Portal is where solar installers submit and track Special Connection Requests (SCRs) – including applications for solar and batteries. DER Portal login If you're a solar installer using the DER Portal for the fi
Power quality Australian Standards set limits for the safe operation of our electricity network and equipment customers connect to it. We also have embedded generation technical requirementsoutlining how solar systems with or without battery connect to our network
Electrical safety rules Our electrical safety rules specify the safe working requirements and minimum standards for workers working on, near or in the vicinity of Evoenergy’s electricity network and assets in the Australian Capital Territory and surrounding region where out
DER Portal Registration If you are a solar installer whose company is using the DER Portal for the first time you will need to register for an account by completing the below form. Once our team have created an account, you will receive a confirmation email with your login
Vegetation reporting form Report trees in your area that appear to be too close to powerlines or other electricity infrastructure.
Vegetation compliance form If you have had vegetation trimmed following a notification we sent you, let us know below. If you have arranged for vegetation to be trimmed following a notification we sent you, and the appointment is outside of our required timeframes, apply for a
Service and Installation rules Our Service and Installation Rules set out the requirements for connecting electrical or gas equipment to our distribution networks. It also sets out the responsibilities for those who engage in work relating to the power supply of a person’s propert
Vegetation extension form If you have arranged for vegetation to be trimmed following a notification we sent you, and the appointment is outside of our required timeframes, apply for an extension using the form below. If the tree trimming has already occurred, let us know her
Suitable plants to grow near powerlines What’s the expected height of the tree or shrub you would like to plant? You should know this before planting near powerlines or other energy assets. The examples below are only provided in the context of Evoenergy infrastructure. You should always c
Supplying Goods and Services Evoenergy is committed to maintaining a safe work environment for both our employees and vendors. We expect the same high standards from our vendors as we do for ourselves. If you wish to tender for an Evoenergy contract or expression of interest, yo
Electricity outage request for vegetation works This form is for Evoenergy-accredited arborists who need to request an electricity outage to perform works safely.
Network protection compliance form If you have rectified an obstruction or defect in a Network Protection Notice, let us know below. If you have arranged for an obstruction or defect to be rectified, and the appointment is outside of our required timeframes, apply for an extension by
Schedule of electricity network charges 2023/24 Approved by the Australian Energy Regulator on 10 May 2023
Access arrangement for the ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang gas distribution network
Gas network reference tariff schedule for Evoenergy gas distribution network in ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang
Gas network reference tariff schedule for the Evoenergy gas distribution network in ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang
CMEN Earthing, 315-1500 kVA Twin Padmount <2.5m Separation Substation
CMEN Earthing with Grid, 315-1500 kVA Twin Padmount <2.5m Separation Substation
Separate Earthing, 315-1500 kVA Twin Padmount <2.5m Separation Substation
Typical Service Cubicle Multi-Installation for Radial and Looping or Paralleling of Evoenergy Cables
Underground Service Conduit Requirements for Recessed / Wall Mount POE / Fuse Box
CMEN Earthing, 500-1500 kVA Twin Padmount 3 – 10m Separation Substation
Separate Earthing, 500-1500 kVA Twin Padmount 3 – 10m Separation Substation
500-1500 kVA Twin Padmount 3 – 10m Separation Substation Foundation
Standard Substation Equipment Support Bracket and Trench Edge Framing
Planting & Structure Clearances Padmount Substation & Switching Stations
Clearance Requirement for Swimming Pool from Electrical Infrastructure
6 & 9 Way Conduit Entry to Chamber Substations Standard Configuration
Chamber substation floor penetration cover plate – LV transformer tails
8913-213-06 - Point of Entry Service Cubicle, 315A to 630A, Free Standing or Wall Mounted with Modular Feeder units
Unmetered Supplies, Servicing Arrangement, Direct Connection of Consumer mains
Typical U/G Service Arrangement for POE / Meter Box in Boundary Fence / Wall
Typical U/G Service Cable Conduit Requirement for installations Exceeding 100Amps per Phase
Non Domestic – Small Installations, POE / Meter Box for Installation with Underground Service Cables up to 35mm2 Cu
Standard Earth Grid Electrode Connection Details for Chamber Substations
Point of Connection Assembly, for Third Party Unmetered Assets, Low Voltage only Poles, LV ABC
Point of Connection Assembly, for Third Party Unmetered Assets, Low Voltage only Poles, LV Bare Mains
Temporary Service Installation, Residential Blocks with U/G Supply Connection
Point of Entry Radial Service Cubicle, 800A to 200A, Free Standing or Wall Mounted
Unmetered Supplies, Servicing Arrangement, POE provided by Customer
Typical U/G & O/H Service Cable Conduit Requirement for Single Domestic or Commercial Installation
500-1500 kVA Padmount Substation Foundation Universal “H” Plinth
CMEN Earthing with Grid, 500-1500 kVA Twin Padmount 3 -10m Separation Substation
High Voltage Riser Door (Double) in Fire Rated Walls Indoor Substation
High Voltage Riser Door (Single) in Fire Rated Walls Indoor Substation
Personnel Escape Door in Fire Rated Walls for Indoor Chamber Substation
Chamber substation floor penetration cover plate – HV transformer tails
High Level Conduits for Consumer Mains Entering Chamber Substations
Solar safety Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and battery storage options can be a valued source of renewable energy for your home or business. It’s important to make sure your system is safely connected to our network, and you also know what to do following extre
Connections Connection policies Electricity Connection Policy Dual supplies The below forms are used for when you need additional supply to an existing electricity connection. Application for Dual Supplies at Construction Sites Application for D
Electricity network prices and tariffs Evoenergy charges electricity retailers for using the ACT electricity network. Electricity retailers then set the final price you pay for using electricity (which also includes other costs, such as the cost of generating electricity). You probably wo
Certificate of electrical safety The Certificate of Electrical Safety (CES) is an important requirement set by Access Canberra. It is required for new electrical work, alterations or repairs to existing electrical systems. The purpose of the CES is to verify the electrical work done
Miscellaneous electrical works Process Submit an application for miscellaneous electrical works. We will review the application and create design documentation including an invoice for the works to be completed.
Solar and battery Before you install solar or battery generation, we need to assess the impact your system will have on our local network and your neighbourhood. All embedded generation installations must comply with our Service and Installation Rulesand embedded gene
Careers The ACT is leading the way to a zero emissions future – and at Evoenergy you will help create a new energy future. While providing safe and reliable energy is at our core, we’re also focussed on being a key innovator and leader to create an energy fu
POE / Fuse Box for Domestic & Small Commercial Customers (16mm²-35mm² U/G Service)
Reconciliation Action Plan Our Reconciliation Action Plan We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work. We pay respect to the Elders, past and present and celebrate all First Peoples’ continuing connections and contributions to Country. Our
Network projects We’re always planning and preparing for the ACT’s future. Here are some projects we have in the works to help us get there. You can also see our electricity five year planto see what else we have planned for the future of our network. Jerrabomberra t
Basic connection application Please note this form was previously referred to as a Request for Service (RFS). Before you get started, please note we will levy a charge to the signatory or connection applicant for non-compliance with the Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules,
Cable trench details for Cable Installations not covered by Shared Trench
Batteries a new innovation to Canberra neighbourhoods Evoenergy is partnering with the ACT Government to deliver three new neigbourhood-scale batteries to Casey, Dickson and Fadden. These batteries will be connected to the ACT electricity network and provide insights for how this technology can provide
12 Days of Christmas Safety Having Christmas lights and decorations around is all part of the festive season – however it’s important to make sure they’re safe. We’re celebrating twelve days of Christmas Safety so you can keep the whole family safe this holiday season: 1. Shock
AER announces draft decision on ACT electricity network plan The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released its draft decision on Evoenergy’s electricity network five-year plan for the 2024-29 period (EN24). While a number of our plans have been accepted in the draft decision, the proposed investment
Status of enterprise bargaining negotiations and industrial action at Evoenergy Negotiations for the replacement Evoenergy Enterprise Agreement are continuing and a revised offer has been made to employees. The revised offer includes an 11% increase to wages over a three-year period. Evoenergy will continue to make employer supe
Evoenergy Electrical Fitter wins Apprentice of the Year at the ACT Training Awards Evoenergy Electrical Fitter Tessa Valter was awarded ACT Apprentice of the Year at the 2023 ACT Training Awards on Thursday 14 September. From everyone at Evoenergy, we would like to congratulate Tessa for this outstanding achievement. The ACT Traini
Current status of enterprise bargaining negotiations and industrial action at Evoenergy The information provided by the ETU about the pay offer Evoenergy has made to its employees is misleading. The pay offer totals 9.5% over three years, not 8% as suggested by the ETU. Further, Evoenergy makes and will continue to make employer superan
Media release: Statement on Industrial Action by Evoenergy employees Statement from Evoenergy The below statement is attributable to an Evoenergy spokesperson, in relation to protected industrial action being taken by members of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) at Evoenergy. Negotiations Evoenergy is currently negoti
Statement on Industrial Action by Evoenergy employees Evoenergy is currently negotiating with employees and representative unions on a replacement for our Enterprise Agreement which expired on 30 June 2023. Although these negotiations are continuing, one union, the ETU, has decided to pursue Protected I
International Women in Engineering Day 2023 Photo: Quality of Supply Engineer, Sujo and Project Engineer, Aparna Today we focus on the amazing work women engineers do across the globe and here at Evoenergy. International Women in Engineering Day provides an important opportunity to give women
Third party hits – how to avoid a scare this Halloween! We all use electricity every day, and we all need to be safe around the network. Over the past year Canberra’s network has taken over 60 physical hits which flow on to impact the community. But have you ever heard of a third party hit to the electric
Bright future ahead of Outstanding Apprentice Isaac The 2023 Construction Industry Training Council (CITC) held their annual awards ceremony, recognising the hard work of ACT apprentices over the past 12 months. Our very own Isaac Lillie won big, taking home two awards, the first being the Outstanding
Welcome to our new website As your local energy distributor, we’re pleased to unveil an online space that reflects our commitment to innovation and improving customer experience. While we still provide you with safe and reliable electricity and gas each day, our new website is
Gungahlin reliability works Update: Following a series of network outages in parts of Casey, Taylor, Moncrieff, and Ngunnawal, Evoenergy has taken actions to improve network reliability in the Gungahlin area. We have implemented the following measures: Completed essential
Regulator announces final decision on ACT electricity network plan The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published its final decision on Evoenergy’s electricity network five-year plan for the 2024-29 period (EN24). We welcome the AER’s decision which largely accepts our revised proposal and supports the right in
No Chill - Canberrans flock to their heaters The age-old Canberra tale of residents waiting until ANZAC day to turn on heaters is upon us again. Canberrans are holding their breath, checking the temps, and FINALLY turning on their heaters… signalling the beginning of hot chocolate weekends, cos
International Women’s Day 2024, taking a look down memory lane. Over the years, International Women's Day has gained significant momentum and focuses on what we can all do to increase equity for women in the workplace, education and society as a whole. While it is important to focus on the future, we also wanted
New energy market demonstration project Evoenergy has received $2.05 million in funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency to research and test potential market platforms that will support Canberra’s rapidly changing energy market. Working in close collaboration with Schneider Ele
Trench for Direct Buried Cables, Conduited Service Cable, and Road Crossing
Exploring a distributed energy and EV future During September Evoenergy hosted the Future Network Forum, and co-hosted the ARENA DEIP Dive 2022 event. Both events at ANU explored topics around future energy technology, and how energy distributors like Evoenergy can innovate sustainable energy s
New trial to test optimal electric vehicle charging times Evoenergy is pleased to announce that it will be participating in The EV Grid: Enabling Electric Vehicle Friendly Networks and Neighbourhoods trial to understand more about how electric vehicle charging impacts the network. With $1.6 million in fundi
Gas network plan Every five years, we prepare a detailed plan about how we will operate, maintain, and invest in our gas network (ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang) to meet the future needs of consumers. This gas access arrangement five-year plan is submitted to the Austra
Application for authorisation to work on or near the electricity network Any commercial business and their employees undertaking work on or near our electricity network must be authorised by Evoenergy – as per our Authorisation and Accreditation procedure. Worker authorisation to work on or near Evoenergy’s electricity ne
Building and development approval This form is for seeking development or building approval. Your submission will be reviewed by Evoenergy and Jemena to check for utility assets. The form takes about 5 minutes to complete. Please note that there is a new process for the review of wa
Evoenergy customer survey: the future of our energy network Evoenergy is conducting a customer survey, in partnership with The Centre for International Economics, to better understand future household and business energy needs across the ACT and parts of NSW. This survey will help shape our next five-year gas
Keep an eye out for energy vampires this Halloween Our Customer Delivery Works Manager and his little vampire are here to remind you to check your home for energy vampires this spooky season! But wait, what’s an energy vampire we hear you asking?! An ‘energy vampire’ refers to devices in your home th
Demand management During times of pressure on our network there may be opportunities for you to reduce your demand in exchange for payment or reductions in your electricity bills. You may also be asked to reduce your demand in a Lack of Reserve eventwhen the National
Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS) Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS) are one of the innovative solutions we use at Evoenergy to keep our network safe and reliable. SAPS provide power to properties and communities without the need for a traditional connection to the electricity grid. Ho
Initiatives The future of energy is changing, and to make sure we change with it too, we have some initiatives and projects underway that are focused on innovative technology. Neighbourhood-scale batteries in the ACT We are collaborating with the ACT Government
Is your home bushfire and storm ready? With the start of summer, bushfire and storm season well underway - Canberrans are encouraged to ensure their homes and yards are ready. The community are encouraged to take proactive steps to inspect vegetation on private property and clear trees or
Authorisation to work near the Network As of October 2024, Evoenergy updated the Authorisation and Accreditation procedure. In particular, we have changed our terminology to clarify the difference between accreditation, authorisation and registration. Evoenergy only offers accreditation
Accredited companies The below companies and businesses have compliant accreditation to work on, or near, the Evoenergy network. This list is updated daily from Beakon, a web-based compliance management system used to record and manage company accreditations and work aut
Zone substation data Under the National Electricity Rules, we’re required to make available certain zone substation information for all of our zone substations. More details about this rule can be obtained from the Australian Energy Market Commission. Disclaimer The zone
Evoenergy responds to electrical incident in Farrer On 20 January 2023 approximately 80 customers in Farrer were impacted by a power surge which caused varying amounts of damage to household appliances. Crews and a senior customer representative were on site on the day to restore power and speak to af
Evoenergys five year plan for the electricity network submitted Evoenergy has now submitted its 2024–29 electricity network proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator. The proposal has been prepared during a time of significant change across the energy sector. Evoenergy General Manager Peter Billing said the ACT
Christmas safety: jingle bells, not tingle bells In December, many homes around Canberra put up their Christmas lights and decorations. While decorating is a fun and festive activity, it’s important to keep the safety of your home in mind. Keep you and your whole family, including pets, safe during
December 8th Storm Response Storm response update | Saturday 9th December 9 AM On Friday 8 December 2023 at around 8.00pm, Canberra experienced a fast-moving storm resulting in extensive damage to our electricity network. At the height of the storm, we had around 14,000 propert
Storm response update – Sunday evening status Storm response update | Sunday 10 December 5 PM Our crews have continued storm repair works today and by this evening should have a further 250 customers restored. This will leave around 40 single premises requiring individual repairs who we aim to
AER provides draft decision on gas plan On Friday 27 November 2020, the Australian Energy Regulator provided its draft decision on Evoenergy’s plan for the 2021–26 gas network access arrangement, which was submitted for consideration earlier this year. After reviewing our plan and consulti
Energy vampires lurking in your home This Saturday is the spookiest day of the year—Halloween! While you might hang up skeletons, spider webs or bats in your house, did you know there are vampires lurking? If you’re not familiar with this term, ‘vampire power’ refers to devices that con
Storm response update – Monday morning status Storm response update | Monday 11 December 11 AM As of this morning there are just over 100 customers without power after Friday night’s storm. This morning we are working to restore outages in Downer, Kambah and Weetangera. There will also be arou
Storm response – Final repairs Storm response update | Monday 11 December 5 PM There are around 20 single premises without power after Friday night’s storm. These customers require individual repairs and we’re aiming to get most back online by midnight, with a small amount which
Storm response update – Sunday morning status Storm response update | Sunday 10 December 10 AM On Friday 8 December 2023 at around 8.00pm, Canberra experienced a fast-moving storm resulting in extensive damage to our electricity network. At the height of the storm, we had around 14,000 properti
Storm update Storm response update | Saturday 9th December 3 PM On Friday 8 December 2023 at around 8.00pm, Canberra experienced a fast-moving storm resulting in extensive damage to our electricity network. At the height of the storm, we had around 14,000 propert
Status of enterprise bargaining negotiations and industrial action at Evoenergy Negotiations for the replacement Evoenergy Enterprise Agreement are continuing and a revised offer has been made to employees. Evoenergy has been able to obtain endorsement from unions on the proposed Enterprise Agreement, including with the Electric
Evoenergy Annual Planning Report 2023 In December we published our 2023 Annual Planning Report (APR) which gives an overview of electricity network planning since the publication of our previous report. The report provides a comprehensive outlook on our strategic direction, focusing on t
Power back on in South Canberra Evoenergy crews have today completed repairs to the electricity network which was damaged as a result of Sunday night's storm. Our priority today was five large jobs in Fisher, Rivett, and Chapman including pole replacements, works that required scaf
Inner South Canberra storm update On Sunday 27 November 2022 at around 7.00pm, South Canberra experienced a fast-moving storm resulting in severe damage to our electricity network. At the height of the storm, we had around 3,858 properties without power across South Canberra, and as
Safety tips to avoid too many scares this Halloween It’s the spookiest time of year and at Evoenergy we’re reflecting on what scares us most: Canberrans who don’t consider safety around energy. Electricity and gas infrastructure is all around us, as we use it in our homes, at work, and at the places w
Storm response update – Saturday evening status Storm response update | Saturday 9 December 8 PM On Friday 8 December 2023 at around 8.00pm, Canberra experienced a fast-moving storm resulting in extensive damage to our electricity network. At the height of the storm, we had around 14,000 propertie
Inquiry into West Belconnen supercell thunderstorm report Yesterday, the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory published a report on the Inquiry into West Belconnen supercell thunderstorm. We are reading the report and will consider its recommendations. Evoenergy is highly experienced in
Evoenergys draft plan for the electricity network released Consultation is now open on Evoenergy’s draft plan for the 2024–29 electricity network regulatory determination, before the plan is submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator in January. The draft plan released today has been informed by engagement
International Women in Engineering Day Photo: Cynthia Copa Hinostroza (left) Maria Salazar (right) This year we’re celebrating the inspiring work that women in engineering and technical roles are doing at Evoenergy. Here we meet two motivated young women who are breaking stereotypes in th
Canberrans have their say on gas network transition The world’s attention is on COVID-19 and it’s sad to see the affect it is having on our community. While we’re focussed on keeping the lights on and the gas flowing, times like these reinforce the important role our energy networks have in our everyd
Solar feed-in-tariff scheme Evoenergy is working with the ACT Government to complete a quality review of the solar Feed-in Tariff Scheme data reported to the ACT Government from July 2011 to June 2018. In 2017, we proactively initiated a review of the way we collect and report
Community Fire Unit Program Evoenergy has donated head torches to the Community Fire Unit (CFU), part of Emergency Services Australia, to say thanks for their ongoing commitment to bushfire management in the ACT and surrounding regions. “Many Evoenergy (formerly ActewAGL) emplo
Hydrogen Test Facility Evoenergy and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) have partnered to build a first-of-its-kind hydrogen test facility at CIT’s Fyshwick campus. Reliability, dependability and trust are the qualities that matter most to us – it’s our priority to
Ginninderry battery trial builds on our future focus Evoenergy is pleased to announce that with a grant from the ACT Government and support from the Ginninderry Joint Venture, we will be providing subsidised residential batteries for up to 75 homes in Ginninderry Stage 1A, to explore how small-scale so
Gas network plan submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator Evoenergy has now submitted its plan for the 2021–26 gas network access arrangement to the Australian Energy Regulator for review, with a draft decision expected in November 2020. Over the coming five-year period, we’ve proposed to minimise our forec
Ensuring your solar system is safe and efficient If you’ve got a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof of your home or business it’s important to remember that it’s not ‘set and forget’. Once your solar system is installed and working, it’s often easy to forget it’s there, but regular testing
New electricity transmission line to support Jerrabomberra To meet significant new demand for electricity forecast in the Jerrabomberra area, we’re proposing to install a new 132kV transmission line. The proposed 3.6 kilometre transmission line will extend from the existing East Lake Gilmore 132 kV line on t
Evoenergy gives goods for good causes Today Evoenergy teamed up with GIVIT and Rotary Club Belconnen to donate a large pile of winter clothes and wet weather gear. Some items will be donated locally and the others will support community relief agencies in Samoa, Sierra Leone and Sri Lank
Evoenergy welcomes three new apprentices to the crew New Evoenergy apprentices Leon, Andrew and Jordan Recently three new mature-age apprentices started their journey to becoming fully qualified Evoenergy Cable Jointers. A Cable Jointer does far more than the name suggests – in four years’ time Leon,
The 2025 Apprenticeship Program is open for applications! Ever considered an apprenticeship in the electricity industry? Your dream job might be closer than you think! Evoenergy, the electricity distributor for over 200,000 connections in the ACT, is seeking fresh tradespeople to help electrify the bush cap
Evoenergy in Tonga to lend a helping hand Evoenergy has responded to a request from the Australian Government to help support its humanitarian response to Tonga following Tropical Cyclone Gita. To support the recovery of the Tongan energy supply two Evoenergy lineworkers were deployed this w
Evoenergy crowned recycling champions In November, our friends at Icon Water laid down an almost unwinnable challenge: a head-to-head battle to see who could collect the most plastic and glass bottles for the ACT Container Deposit Scheme. After kicking things off at the start of National
Meet the 2022 Evoenergy Apprentices Seamus learning how to safely descend from an Elevating Work Platform (EWP) Evoenergy welcomes four Lineworker Apprentices and three Electrical Fitter Apprentices into the 2022 Apprenticeship Program. Apprentices play a valuable role in our workforc
Final storm repairs and clean-up Yesterday and overnight, we restored 431 homes and businesses across the Belconnen district following Monday’s storm. All trees causing outages are now cleared thanks to the help of the ACT Emergency Services Agency, Transport Canberra and City Servi
Evoenergy crews restore majority of power outages Following another wet day, yesterday we restored power to 324 customers across the district of Belconnen, with the suburb of Holt now fully restored. Today, Evoenergy crews continue to work with Endeavour Energy crews who will primarily be onsite in
Evoenergy crews continue on storm response Yesterday saw another huge day of storm response and better than expected weather conditions assisted our crews in restoring supply to another 773 homes and businesses. Crews today will be working on sites primarily across Hawker, Weetangera, Page, H
Evoenergys emergency storm response continues On Monday 3 January 2022, the ACT experienced a severe storm resulting in extensive damage to homes and infrastructure including critical damage to the ACT’s electricity network. At the height of the storm, we had around 21,000 homes and businesses w
Technology set to converge to create smarter energy solutions Evoenergy is pleased to announce a new project that will improve the way we manage electricity network peaks, reduce electricity prices and unlock additional network capacity to allow Canberrans greater potential exports of solar and battery energy t
Rehabilitation in the Woodstock Nature Reserve In June, Evoenergy worked with Greening Australia on a rehabilitation project in Uriarra just outside the ACT, as part of our major project to provide a second point of electricity supply into the ACT, supplementing the existing major electricity sup
We are working with you to shape our energy future Registrations open today for Evoenergy’s community panel which will give Canberrans the opportunity to get involved and have their say on the future of electricity supply in the region. We’re developing a plan for how we will operate and invest in th
Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day Photo: Jessica Evers (left) and Rebecca Beasley (right) It’s International Women in Engineering Day, a chance to celebrate the amazing work by women in engineering and technical roles. Here, we meet two inspiring women who are shifting demographics i
Australian Energy Regulator approves electricity network pricing proposal Today the Australian Energy Regulator approved Evoenergy’s 2021–22 electricity network pricing proposal, including a substantial increase in ACT electricity network charges of around $5 a week for residential customers from 1 July 2021. The increase
Australian Energy Regulator releases final decision on Evoenergy’s 2021–26 gas plan On 30 April 2021, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released its final decision on Evoenergy’s gas network plan for the five-year period commencing 1 July 2021. Following an extensive review which included consulting with industry and the public
It's that time of year again, time to get the heater on? It’s that time of year again, the heater is about to go on. Everyone that has been feeling the cold since the end of summer can breathe a sigh of relief this Sunday as they wake up to Anzac Day and they’re allowed to flick the switch on their heater.
Evoenergys 2021-22 electricity pricing proposal Today the Australian Energy Regulator is set to publish Evoenergy’s 2021–22 electricity network pricing proposal, detailing a substantial increase in ACT electricity network charges. This increase is predominantly driven by a 133% rise in the jurisdi
Evoenergy rise above cancer convoy On Sunday 14 March 2021, Evoenergy participated in the 2021 Rise Above Cancer Convoy, raising $3,635 for Rise Above to support cancer patients and their families. Rise Above do fantastic work in our community and as a local business, we’re proud to s
Emerging constraints present an opportunity for collaboration In December 2020, Evoenergy released its Annual Planning Report highlighting areas in our local electricity network that have existing and emerging capacity constraints due to population growth and urban expansion. Constraints in our electricity netw
Evoenergy submits revised gas network five-year plan Following the November 2020 release of the Australian Energy Regulator’s draft decision on Evoenergy’s 2021–26 plan for the gas network, on 13 January 2021, Evoenergy submitted its revised five-year plan (Revised GN21 plan). Evoenergy’s revised GN21
Evoenergy employees vote yes to enterprise agreement Evoenergy employees have now voted in favour of Evoenergy’s revised offer for the replacement Evoenergy Enterprise Agreement. “I am pleased we have been able to reach agreement with our employees,” said Evoenergy General Manager Peter Billing. “I wou
Evoenergy welcomes new independent ECRC Chair Evoenergy is pleased to announce that Ms Rosemary Sinclair AM has accepted an ongoing position as the Independent Chair of the Evoenergy Energy Consumer Reference Council. In addition to her most recent role as the inaugural CEO of Energy Consumers A
Transitioning the ACTs energy networks Today the ACT Government released a statement Powering Canberra – Our Pathway to Electrification. Evoenergy supports the ACT’s target of achieving Net Zero 2045, recognising the pathway announced today presents complex challenges as well as opportuni
Apprenticeships Apprenticeship applications are closed until June 2025, at which time recruitment for the 2026 cohort will commence. Whether you’re fresh from school or looking to make a career change, power your lifelong career with the Evoenergy Apprentice Prog
Electricity Meters Your energy retailer is responsible for the installation, maintenance and replacement of meters. From December 2017, the Power of Choice rules shifted this responsibility to retailers to give consumers more control over their energy services. Read mo
Annual Planning Report Evoenergy Annual Planning Report 2024 We are committed to transforming our business for the future. Providing affordable, reliable, and sustainable electricity requires planning and sound investment in our network. We prioritise cost-effective and e
Basic connections (less than 70kVA) Process Complete the Basic Design Application(BDA). We will confirm the design and scope of works required and provide an invoice for the cost of the services. Once the invoice
Evoenergy Regulated Stand-Alone Power system (SAPS) Register
Engagement opportunities In the energy industry, we experience changes in technology, consumption patterns, customer preferences, energy policies and regulatory settings. This transformation presents opportunities and challenges for us, our customers and other stakeholders.
Small connections (70kVA-3MVA) New connection, alteration to an existing connection, or disconnection Process We recommend you get in touch with us to discuss your connection before starting an application: Network.ConnectionAdvi
Large connections (greater than 3MVA) New connection or alteration to an existing connection Process Receive connection advice Email us at to arrange an initial disc
Prepare your site Before we can complete a connection, it’s important your site is ready for our crews and contractors. Your works must be completed as per the basic connection design or construction drawings prior to us getting to site. The following installation req
Registers and forms Information register Evoenergy will publish all valid requests for ring-fenced information made by: Related electricity service provider (RESP’s) Other legal entities who provide contestable electricity services Information Register Waiver
Clearance requirements between Evoenergy infrastructure and telecommunication carriers
Information Sharing Protocol The AER Ring-Fencing Guidelinesrequire that, where Evoenergy shares ring-fenced information with a Related Electricity Service Provider (RESP), Evoenergy is required to provide access to the ring-fenced information to other legal entities on an equal
Aerial inspection program Our annual aerial inspection program provides a bird’s eye view of our network and allows us to identify faults, potential defects and trees that are too close and causing a risk to our network. Aircraft patrols are an important part of our overall n
Electricity assets on your property We inspect network assets to make sure they are in a serviceable and safe condition. Obstructions or defects on our assets are a safety hazard and can stop our crews from being able to restore power outages. If we find a problem on network assets on
Evoenergy's annual aerial inspection program Evoenergy’s annual aerial inspection program will launch on Friday 07 February and conclude by Friday 21 February. This is an annual program where Evoenergy uses aircraft (VH-OAS and VH-NLG) to conduct an aerial scan of the electricity network. The i
Embedded generation Energy generators connected to the distribution network are called Embedded Generating Units. This embedded generation is located throughout our distribution network and is not directly connected to the transmission network. Embedded generating units
Trees and powerlines Evoenergy has partnered with Genus, a qualified contractor, to support the scoping and replacement of network assets. You may notice workers wearing Genus uniforms operating on the electricity network in your area. Vegetation growing too close to p
Important updates to Evoenergy’s solar & battery connection requirements The Australian Standard AS/NZS 4777.1 (which sets the installation requirements for grid-connected inverters) has been updated and will be mandatory from 23 February 2025. To align with this, Evoenergy is updating its connection requirements for sola
Drawings and Standards Our drawings and standards provide rules and guidelines around network assets, clearances, and building and development. Find the right document below or use the search function on this page to locate a specific document.
Natural gas connection We own and operate two gas networks: The ACT Region network that services the ACT, Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, Googong and Bungendore The Nowra network that services Bomaderry and Nowra. Jemena manages both gas networks for us, along with co