Regulator announces final decision on ACT electricity network plan


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29 Apr 2024

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published its final decision on Evoenergy’s electricity network five-year plan for the 2024-29 period (EN24).

We welcome the AER’s decision which largely accepts our revised proposal and supports the right investment we require in our electricity network to meet the future needs of the ACT.

The decision reflects the latest forecasts of electricity demand as we see Canberrans adopt more electric vehicles and begin to electrify their homes and businesses. It also reflects the cost to build network infrastructure to support the energy transition.

“We know the future of our network is changing, and it’s important we balance investing the right amount in our network while also considering any impacts to customers,” said Evoenergy General Manager Peter Billing.

“Our focus remains on delivering safe, reliable and efficient energy services for the ACT now and into the future,” said Mr Billing.

“Throughout this process we have worked closely with the AER, as well as our community to ensure our network plan accurately reflects our operational requirements, as well as what the community needs from their local distributor. Thank you to everyone who was involved.”

The AER recognised that our “consumer engagement has been sincere in informing customers, with a significant step-up in consultation with customers and stakeholders” in accordance with their expectations.

The final decision on our proposal, which will commence 1 July 2024, can be found here: