Under the National Electricity Rules, we’re required to make available certain zone substation information for all of our zone substations. More details about this rule can be obtained from the Australian Energy Market Commission.
The zone substation information (“data”) provided by Evoenergy is raw data and Evoenergy has not analysed, assessed or validated the quality or accuracy of that data. Evoenergy makes no warranty or guarantee as to the quality, accuracy or suitability for any particular purpose of the data. Evoenergy reserves the right to review, change or remove some or all of the data at any time without notice.
Evoenergy has not provided data if, in its reasonable opinion, that data is confidential or commercially sensitive to a third party.
Any use of the data by third parties or conclusions drawn from its use is at the sole risk of the party concerned. Except for loss or liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law, Evoenergy excludes all liability for loss or damage of any kind arising from or in relation to the data.
Conditions of Use
If you use or access the data, you accept the following Conditions of Use:
- You acknowledge and accept the Disclaimer above.
- You agree that if you provide the data to third parties you will provide that third party with the Disclaimer above and these Conditions of Use and inform them that the
- Disclaimer and Conditions of Use apply to any use of the data.
- You agree not to sell the data to third parties without the prior written consent of Evoenergy.
- You agree that the data is the sole property of Evoenergy and Evoenergy retains all copyright and intellectual property that it holds in the data.
Data format
The data is contained in csv format, covers the period 1 July to 30 June for each zone substation and contains the following information:
- The name of the zone substation.
- The date of the reading.
- The time of the reading in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) or Australian Eastern Daylight-saving Time (AEDT) as applicable.
- The raw zone substation load data (in MVA) in half hour intervals (where available).
Evoenergy notes its SCADA readings are measured on the secondary side of its zone substation transformers. As per clause 5.13A(c) of the National Electricity Rules, no correction has been applied to the data provided. To avoid possible confusion, any additional data points recorded at the time of transition
between AEST and AEDT and vice versa have been excluded from the data provided. All times represent wall clock time.
Future updates
Annual zone substation reports will be provided by 31 December each year covering zone substation information for the preceding financial year.
Further information
Further information regarding the configuration of the distribution network, including system maps and tables detailing which transmission connection point substations normally supply our zone substations, can be found in our Annual Planning Report (APR).
Zone substation data