Hydrogen Test Facility


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02 Dec 2018

Evoenergy and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) have partnered to build a first-of-its-kind hydrogen test facility at CIT’s Fyshwick campus.

Reliability, dependability and trust are the qualities that matter most to us – it’s our priority to continue providing the safe and reliable energy supply Canberrans expect.

We also have an important responsibility to look at renewable energy sources and stay ahead of the rapidly changing energy landscape. Both in Australia and overseas, the desire to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide has resulted in plans involving the widespread use of hydrogen gas as a replacement for natural gas.

There is industry-wide collaboration and investment across Australia to focus on understanding how hydrogen can viably be used as a new energy source.

While many gas distribution companies are embarking on hydrogen-related projects, ours will be the first facility in the country to look at testing 100% hydrogen on existing materials, equipment and work practices, in preparation for application to the existing gas distribution network.

This Australian-first initiative will allow us to gain a clear understanding of the impact of introducing hydrogen to existing infrastructure. It will move us one step closer to rolling out a viable renewable gas source on a large scale.

It is essential the impact of introducing hydrogen to the existing network is understood as this will have a major impact on any modifications or replacements that may be required to accommodate its use in the natural gas distribution system.

Proving the viability of hydrogen as a clean gas energy source will have a profound impact on customers, as further beneficial hydrogen developments would likely follow. And hydrogen as a proven energy source aligns with the ACT Government’s “green energy” target to reduce emissions to zero by 2045.

Both Evoenergy and CIT will use the facility to train plumbing students in these new technologies, to equip tradespeople with skills well into the future.

Project phases

  • The facility will be launched progressively in 3 phases over 12 months:
    • Phase 1: Testing existing Australian network components, construction and maintenance practices on 100% hydrogen application.
    • Phase 2: Testing hydrogen as a broader energy storage source to support coupling the electricity network to the gas network.
    • Phase 3: Appliance testing (eg. testing hydrogen and mixed gases in existing appliances such as gas continuous hot water systems).

For more information on the hydrogen test facility, contact media@evoenergy.com.au