05 Jun 2020
If you’ve got a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof of your home or business it’s important to remember that it’s not ‘set and forget’.
Once your solar system is installed and working, it’s often easy to forget it’s there, but regular testing and maintenance is critical to ensure your system is running at optimal performance, and operating safely.
Evoenergy Safety Manager Brendan Commons says that as more Canberra homes take advantage of generating their own power from the sun, it’s important to be aware of annual and five-yearly solar system checks.
“Over 27,000 solar photovoltaic systems are now installed in Canberra, and combined, have a great generation potential, but a lot of people don’t know that solar systems change the way energy flows in our electricity network,” said Brendan.
“As more distributed energy resources such as solar PV are connected to the network our grid becomes more ‘decentralised’ and instead of flowing one way, the energy flows to and from the system which can introduce safety issues.”
“To ensure the safety of people working on the electricity network, your solar system, including the PV inverter, needs to be tested every five years, and we also recommend regular cleaning and maintenance of the panels to remove dirt and debris build up and keep them working at their peak potential.”
If you have a solar system installed at your home or business, you are required to have your solar inverter tested every five years to check it remains safely connected to the electricity network and this test needs to be done by a licenced electrician.
Evoenergy will send you a reminder when this testing is due, however more regular and routine maintenance will also protect your system performance.
“When your annual system maintenance is due, make sure you follow the maintenance schedule provided by your solar retailer or installer, and for your own safety, never open or service your system unless you are a fully qualified licensed electrician,” said Brendan.
“If you need to access your roof, remember you are working at heights so take appropriate precautions, adhere to all relevant safety regulations, and wear appropriate safety gear.”
Like all electrical equipment, regular maintenance of your solar system is important. With regular routine maintenance, your solar system will be safe and reliable for years to come.
For more information or to download a copy of our solar safety factsheet, visit https://www.evoenergy.com.au/connections-overview/solar-connections