Electricity emergency

Gas emergency

Gas access arrangement

On 26 May 2016, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released its final decision (Access Arrangement Final Decision 2016-2021) on the Access Arrangement (AA) to apply to Evoenergy’s ACT, Queanbeyan and Palerang gas distribution network for the period 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2021. The approved AA (Access Arrangement 2016-2021) took effect from 1 July 2016.

The services

The AA contains a suite of services and prices along with the associated terms and conditions for those services. All of these will form the basis of any Transportation Agreements that Evoenergy will enter into with Users (generally retailers).

The services in the AA include seven Reference Services, one Non-reference Service and a Negotiated Service. They are as follows:


1. Reference service

Haulage reference service


This service provides for receipt of gas into the network and delivery of gas to any eligible delivery point on the network, including meter reading and data provision.  This service includes ancillary services (including disconnection, reconnection and special meter reading).

Reference Services are provided on the terms of the Reference Service Agreement (RSA) which forms part of the AA. The current version of the RSA is dated July 2019.


2. Non-reference services

Interconnection of Embedded Network Service


This is a service to provide for the establishment of a single delivery point from the Network to an embedded network.  An embedded network is a distribution system or pipeline not owned and operated by Evoenergy, which delivers gas to third parties. (Note that internal networks in shopping centres, apartment buildings etc are not “embedded networks” for the purposes of this service). 

3. Negotiated service

This is a transportation service designed to meet the needs of users that are not met by the Reference and Non-reference services.

Pricing structures

There is a single pricing zone for the reference service under the AA, reflecting the relatively small geographical extent of the ACT, Queanbeyan and Palerang gas network.  The criteria for allocation of a delivery point to a reference tariff is set out in the AA. The current reference tariffs can be found here

Further information


This information is intended to provide a general outline of the elements contained in Evoenergy's Access Arrangement. It is not a complete or definitive statement of terms of the AA.

Enquiries about the AA including requests for access to the network should be made to the Network Commercial Manager of Jemena Asset Management by calling 02 9867 7000 or by sending an email to


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