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Why a peak demand tariff?

The ACT has moved to demand-based pricing for residential and small business customers. This is a more effective way of measuring the demand placed on the electricity network during peak times.

Find out more: About the ACT pricing review

Evoenergy's peak demand tariffs are designed to help you benefit from the installation of your smart meter. The tariffs provide an opportunity for you to manage your electricity bill by changing how you use electrical appliances during peak times.

A peak demand tariff measures the demand you place on the electricity network during the peak period (i.e. your peak demand), whereas consumption-based tariffs only measure the amount of electricity you consume (i.e. not the demand placed on the network). Thus, peak demand tariffs better reflect network costs because they signal to customers the costs of their demand on the electricity network during peak periods.

Find out more: What is the difference between demand and consumption?

How a peak demand tariff works

How a peak demand tariff works

In addition to the existing fixed charge and consumption charge, a peak demand tariff includes a peak demand charge, and most customers will pay a lower consumption charge compared to Evoenergy's other tariffs.

The peak demand charge is based on the maximum demand your household or small business places on the electricity network during the peak period in a calendar month. The more appliances you have switched on at the same time, the higher your demand will be.

The peak period is 5-8pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)) daily for residential customers and 7am-5pm (AEST) on weekdays for small business customers.

Demand is measured in each 30-minute interval during the peak period (e.g. for residential customers, 5:00-5:30pm, 5:30-6:00pm AEST, and so on). Your highest half-hourly demand during the peak period in a calendar month is used to calculate the demand charge.

The peak demand tariff is not designed to increase Evoenergy's revenue, as the revenue allowance is set by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for each five year regulatory period.

To find out more about how you can use the peak demand tariff to maximise the benefit from your smart meter, watch our peak demand tariff video below or view our peak demand tariff presentation.

Find out more: Examples of how your bill is calculated on a peak demand tariff

Take control of your bill

With Evoenergy's peak demand tariff you have the opportunity to reduce your electricity bill with a few simple changes to your routine.

Take control of your bill

Typical electrical appliances with high energy usage include some heaters, ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners and pool pumps.

Typical electrical appliances with high energy usage

Find out more: Tips for reducing your peak demand

Who goes on a peak demand tariff?

New connections and customer-initiated meter upgrades are assigned to the peak demand tariff, with the option to opt-out to the Time-of-Use tariff.

When a smart electricity meter is installed for any other reason, the customer remains on their existing tariff for 12 months before being shifted to the demand tariff. These customers are able to opt-in to the demand or Time-of-Use tariffs within the first 12 months of their meter installation.

Your electricity retailer is responsible for installing new electricity meters. For more information about smart meters, contact your retailer.

Electricity network prices

Evoenergy has published a schedule of electricity network charges valid from 1 July 2018. There is also a FAQ and additional information about connection charges.

Find out more: Electricity network pricing

Each network business is required to prepare a Tariff Structure Statement (TSS) to provide customers and the community with clear information about current network tariffs and how these may change in the future.

Find out more: Read our Tariff Structure Statement

Community input

Evoenergy engaged with residential and business customers to seek their feedback on network pricing. More information about our consumer engagement program can be found here.


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